Livro: Racism: Does it really exist in Brazil?

14 de março de 2017

Livro: Racism: Does it really exist in Brazil?

The autobiographical narratives that are part of this book are teachers’ narratives; they intersect with experiences that are linked with race, racism and critical race literacy. These experiences are encountered in the family, in the classroom, and in other social environments. The autobiographical narratives used in the book were produced in classroom activities led and organized by Professor Aparecida de Jesus Ferreira. The intention of this book is as follows:

2017 livro racism no Brasil e coisa da sua cabecal

  • To encourage people to put themselves in the place of others
  • To enable people to reflect about racism and how it affects people’s lives
  • To provide examples of using critical racial literacy that people can use in their own lives, in schools, in universities and in various other contexts where racism occurs

The book includes thirty narratives and 150 reflective questions that can be used in the classroom context, as well as for people who are interested in the issues that are raised in the autobiographical narratives.

Livro : FERREIRA, Aparecida de Jesus.  Racism: Does it really exist in Brazil? Stories of racism and empowerment in the family, school and other social environments. Ponta Grossa, Pr: Editora Estúdio Texto,  2017.

Para Adquirir o livro: Valor R$ 40,00

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