Livro: Addressing Race/Ethnicity

5 de outubro de 2014

Livro-Addressing_Race-EthnicityThis book Addressing Race/Ethnicity in Brazilian Schools: A Critical Race Theory Perspective  presents research that considers cultural plurality as a cross-curricular theme, an issue that has been intensely discussed in recent times in Brazil, largely due to the implementation of new National Curriculum Parameters. This study examines the ways in which English as a Foreign Language teachers understand and address ‘race’/ethnicity in education. The main argument of this book is that unless teachers understand issues surrounding ‘race’/ethnicity, cultural plurality as a cross-curricular theme in schools will not be adequately addressed. As the ‘myth of racial democracy’ still holds much power in Brazil it is important to understand the context in which teachers work.

This research is largely qualitative and uses the framework of Critical Race Theory (CRT) to examine teachers’ accounts and practices. The use of CRT as an analytical tool is important because it clearly demonstrates the way that injustice and inequality related to ‘race’ occur in Brazil. My findings indicate that dealing with issues of ‘race’/ethnicity in schools requires more than legislation, the provision of curriculum materials and teachers’ commitment issues of pedagogy are crucial. My research demonstrates that unless teachers’ professional development in the area of cultural plurality as a cross-curricular theme is put in place, issues around ‘race’/ethnicity will continue to be inadequately addressed.

 FERREIRA, Aparecida de Jesus. Addressing Race/Ethnicity in Brazilian Schools: A Critical Race Theory Perspective . Seattle – USA: CreateSpace, 2011. v. 1. 419 p. ISBN: 9781461137528

Valor do Livro R$ 50,00

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