
Livro: Social Identities of Race in Language Education

6 de julho de 2017

Livro: Social Identities of Race in Language Education

No livro há vários artigos escritos por Aparecida de Jesus Ferreira com perguntas reflexivas iniciais e perguntas reflexivas após a leitura dos artigos que podem ser utilizadas nos cursos de formação de professores(as) e ou para professores(as) interessados no tema.

This book contains four articles on the issue of racial identity. At the beginning of each chapter I make suggestions regarding questions designed to provoke reflections before reading the article itself. At the end of each chapter I also provide suggestions for discussion, which can be performed in grupos or individually. The four chapters in this book share the same theoretical framework, wich I refer to as critical race studies, in which I use studies on antiracism and Critical Race Theory.

FERREIRA, Aparecida de Jesus. Sociais Identities of Race in Language Education: With Reflective Questions. Ponta Grossa, Pr: Editora Estúdio Texto, 2017.

Para Adquirir o livro: Valor R$ 40,00

Na editora: Estúdio texto entre com contato com: http://www.estudiotexto.com.br/portfolio/

Na Verbo Livraria em Ponta Grossa (UEPG – Campus Centro – ao Lado da Manarim): http://bit.ly/verbolivraria

Livraria Vertov entre em contato com: http://bit.ly/LivrariaVertov

Sebo Espaço Cultural entre em contato com: http://bit.ly/SeboEspacoCultural

Direto com a autora do livro entre em contato com: aparecidadejesusferrreira@gmail.com

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Introduction ………………………………………………………………..11

Chapter 1 Language teacher education: the use of anti-racist education in the classroom ……………………………………………15

Chapter 2 Stories from language teachers regarding racism ……37

Chapter 3 What has race and ethnicity got to do with English as a foreign language teaching in Brazil? ………………………………………71

Chapter 4 Critical Race Theory and language education: autobiographical narratives of race and racism in Brazil …….99